We understand people are searching for answers during this uncertain time our country is facing. Because of that, we created a 7-week webinar series to provide you with wisdom, answers and solutions during a time where we need it most.
Here is our first episode where Richard Berry and Reid Mathews discuss the investment strategy designed for times like we are going through right now.
Check out and register for future webinars by clicking HERE. Next week we will cover "How To Take Advantage of New Tax Laws & Have More Retirement Income".
Important details from the webinar (go to the below minute marks for the details you need to know).
1:43 - 9:30 - Richard Berry discusses the coronavirus, the economic impact and how to prepare
14:08 - 21:30 -What is a bear market and notable bear markets to look at and compare to what is going on today
22:00 - 24:15 - Why limiting losses is so important if you want to win financially
24:30 - 29:15 - The Berry Financial Group philosophy
29:20 -33:45 - Types of investments to consider and why safe investmentsare right for retirees
34:00 - 38:30 - The history and origin of annuities and the fixed index annuity
38:45 -42:30 - Why the Fixed Index Annuity is great strategy for retirees, pre-retirees and perfect for times like this
42:45 - 48:00 - Example of how the Fixed Index Annuity performed as well as the stock market with zero risk
Do you want to schedule a free, no-obligation meeting to discuss if this strategy is right for you? Click the button below or call 843-808-9850 to schedule an in-person or over-the-phone meeting,