We understand people are searching for answers during this uncertain time our country is facing. Because of that, we created a 7-week webinar series to provide you with wisdom, answers and solutions during a time where we need it most.
This week we want to discuss Medicare. While not the most exciting topic, it is crucial for retirees to understand this subject and make educated decisions when selecting a supplement plan. At Berry Financial Group, we can help you navigate and select the right plan for your needs. If you would like to learn if you can save money on Medicare supplement plans, click HERE.
Watch the full recap below of the webinar featuring Berry Financial Group's Reid Mathews and Richard Berry.
Check out and register for future webinars by clicking HERE. Next week we will wrap up our series and welcome Dr. Jordan Berry as a special guest to discuss how his industry is being impcated by COVID-19.
Important details from the webinar (go to the below minute marks for the details you need to know).
00::00 - 10:30 - Richard Berry dicusses and provides an update on COVID-19 and what retirees should consider
12:45 - 15:30 - Medicare updates from COVID-19
16:10 - 23:35 - What is Medicare and how to get it
23:45 - 29:30 - Types of Medicare options
30:10 -32:40 - How much does Medicare cost
42:50 - 46:20 - What does Medicare cover
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