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God's Financial Advice

I gave my life to Jesus Christ on September 7th, 2014, when I was on the Coastal Carolina University baseball team. I knew absolutely nothing about money at the time other than the fact that my dad would give me enough to go to the movies, buy nice baseball gear, and always be able to go out to eat with my friends. When I had my fourth and final surgery in the fall of 2014 from a baseball injury and knew my playing career was over, I immediately started searching for financial firms with whom I could participate in an internship to finish out my college experience. I knew that baseball was not going to provide for me, and the money that my father had always given me would eventually stop coming since I was no longer a college athlete. I also knew that the money he consistently gave to me provided me with many experiences and benefits over people that did not have money.

One of the biggest blessings in my entire life was finding Berry Financial Group for my internship. The hardest part of the job the first week was figuring out how to operate the copy machine! I still sometimes struggle with that today! The internship led me to the love of my life, Jana Berry. Jana Berry eventually became Jana Mathews, and she is now carrying our precious, baby daughter, Jaylee, due March 31st, 2021. Needless to say, God didn’t take baseball from me; He gave me so much more by leading me to Berry Financial Group. Mr. and Mrs. Berry and my own parents have been incredibly influential in teaching me about money and investments and sound financial decisions. Being able to work with Mr. Berry and also hang out with him outside of work has allowed me to ask thousands of financial questions at all times. The biggest takeaway that I have learned from him though is how to do my best to honor God with my money and ask God for wisdom when it comes to finances.

Money is mentioned in the Bible more than anything else. There are countless verses in the Bible that can help lead to wise financial decisions and investments. At Berry Financial, we pray and ask God daily for wisdom and direction for how we can help our clients with their financial goals and desires. I want to share a few of my favorite verses, how they inspire me to live for the Lord with my finances, and how they can hopefully help you in 2021, as we continue to deal with the uncertainties of the world.

Proverbs 3: 9-10 “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.” This is one of my favorite verses. I don’t believe we should give so we can get, but I do believe God blesses us tremendously when we give with a generous heart. The spiritual gifts we receive when we give outweigh anything else the far majority of the time. The order of how money is managed in my household is tithe, save, and spend.

Proverbs 10:4 “A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” This verse speaks loudly to me, and I also see it differently than solely monetary items. I do believe there are people who have “gotten rich quick,” and I also know there are plenty of people who work hard every single day of their lives and never become wealthy financially. I do; however, believe this verse speaks to our efforts and thoughts. Some of my worst days are days that I feel unproductive and days when I know I didn’t live up to the Lord’s desires for my life. Some of my BEST days may not produce the most wealth but are typically when I show up and give my all for the Lord no matter what I am doing. Many people feel “stuck” right now because of the restrictions of this COVID-19 pandemic, but I know each and every one of you has a gift from God that you are using to help and to inspire people. We love hearing about your hobbies and skills, and I know throughout 2021 you can continue to use those for God’s glory and to enrich your life and the lives of others in so many ways!

Proverbs 16:9 “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” God is working every single day in so many different ways. A great sermon I heard recently spoke about how we don’t see the whole picture. Sometimes we see to the corner, but God sees around the corner. Sometimes we see the hill, but God sees over the hill. Sometimes we’re on Chapter 13 asking why when he just finished Chapter 20 and explains everything. Sometimes we never know why but can have peace because we trust whole heartedly in the One who does!

COVID-19 has changed so many things, but what it hasn’t changed is the Bible. God is good. God is faithful. God is for you. Berry Financial Group is for you. We want you to know that our compass is Jesus Christ when helping you with your investments and your finances. While money is so important here on earth, we believe that it is a means to an end and not the end in itself. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” At BFG we want to help you invest in financial tools that give you peace of mind so you don’t have to spend time worrying about your money but focusing on the things that really matter – your relationships with God, family, and friends. Thank you for the confidence and trust you place in us to help you live your best life in retirement.

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