The Strategies To Consider Post COVID-19
The Truth Wall Street Hasn't Been Telling You
How Sequence of Returns Can Impact Your Retirement Funds
How To Protect Your Retirement Income From The Uncertain Future We Face
How To Enjoy Your Retirement Years
Why More Than 3,000 Retirees Trust Berry Financial Group
Learn The Strategies to Flourish During Retirement - Even During Uncertain Times Like COVID-19 - By Protecting, Preserving and Growing Your Retirement Assets
DIGITAL SEMINAR DATES: Wednesday, June 24 @6pm |
Wednesday, July 15 @6pm | Wednesday, August 19 @6pm
WHERE: Watch from any internet connected device
WHAT: A digital learning experience that will teach pre-retirees and retirees the strategies to enjoy peace of mind during retirement
WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Anyone at or nearing retirement age who wants to learn how to thrive financially and discover the strategies we've taught to thousands of coastal Carolina retirees
WHAT IS A DIGITAL SEMINAR EXPERIENCE: We are taking our popular seminar lesson that we've been teaching for more than 30 years to retirees and converting it into a digital seminar so you can now watch from the comfort of your home. Because of the changing landscape from COVID-19, we've adjusted and developed a digital seminar that will still make you feel like you are in the same room with us! Join us for one of our upcoming digital seminars where you will learn how to create a confident financial future, and see why more than 3,000 coastal Carolina retirees trust Berry Financial Group to guide them through retirement. SEE EXAMPLE

"The Strategies That Brought You Into Retirement Are Not Going To Carry You Through Retirement."
Berry Financial Group